
About Us

Who We Are?

Carecrop Group sources and supplies first-hand raw nuts and dried fruits from the largest orchard in the USA where the group started and from around the world, step of processing is under control from dehulling to drying, cracking, separating, and packing.

Carecrop supplies the finest products to major and premium brands in Middle East and GCC, including Al Rifai Roastery and Mani Food.

The group has built solid business relations with international clients. Carecrop ensures clients’ stratification by applying international standards and meeting clients’ particular standards and requirements through a dedicated Quality Control Department.

Its Time For The Nuts


If you want to receive the maximum benefit from nuts, then its advised to consume them in the morning. Consuming nuts along with breakfast can help you ward off fatigue and smoothly regulate blood pressure in your body. Experts suggest that nuts and dry fruits are one of the healthiest snack options around.

Habits Linked to a Long Life


Many people think that life expectancy is largely determined by genetics.

However, genes play a much smaller role than originally believed. It turns out that environmental factors like diet and lifestyle are key.

  • Avoid overeatingLimiting your calories may help you live longer and protect against disease.
  • Eat more nutsAdding some nuts to your daily routine may keep you healthy and help you live longer.
  • Eat plenty of healthy foodsEating plenty of plant foods is likely to help you live longer.
  • Stay physically activeRegular physical activity can extend your lifespan.
  • Prioritize your happinessHappiness likely has positive effects not only for your mood but also your lifespan.
  • Avoid chronic stress Nurturing close relationships may result in decreased stress levels, improved immunity, and an extended lifespan.
  • Be more conscientiousBeing conscientious is associated with a longer lifespan and fewer health problems in old age.
  • Develop a good sleepingDeveloping a sleep routine that includes 7–8 hours of sleep each night may help you live longer.




Everything Quality!


This is our motto and we are experts in delivering the best 100% Quality Nuts in the market. Working with more than 60 farms all over the country we are able to delivery always the best Quality Nuts .

7Projects Done
7Awards Winning
8Expert Gardners